5 Social Media Marketing Myths not to follow in 2021

Social Media Marketing Myths

Social media has transformed the fundamental practices in which businesses operated a little while ago. According to the Global Web Index, there has been a 43% increase in terms of social media promotions over the past 12 months. So, you can evaluate the trend that has compelled every other brand to necessarily incorporate social media platforms into their marketing strategies. Professionals are also taking up digital marketing courses to up-skill themselves and students have also started to prioritize their choice of bachelors in digital marketing. But certain myths limit the efficiency of social media platforms when it comes to making profits. Have a look at the top five Social Media Marketing Myths: 

  1. Sales tool: People have a perception that in social media marketing, we can use social media platforms as a sales tool but they don’t understand the difference between promotional ads and over-promotional annoying ads. Users are annoyed to the extent that they end up canceling their subscriptions or start un-following your brand. It is a sure-fire option of putting people off your brand. Social media is definitely a platform to showcase your products and services but only if you learn to use this platform judiciously. A healthy mixture of quality content and promotional ads is a perfect way of including social media marketing techniques in your business perspective. 
  2. My brand has to be on all social media platforms: Brand owners follow a myth that if you want to increase your sales and brand recognition, then you must be present on all social media platforms. This myth can heavily impact your brand image as you cannot expect everyone to be using the same platform. You have to research and specify the platforms by considering your target audience so that all your content focuses entirely on attracting and retaining existing audiences. The global web index is one such platform that can help you to know the most favored platform of your target audience. 
  3. Just sign up and people will follow: This myth is affecting a lot of brands as according to them it’s all about signing up for a social media platform and people will come in bulk to follow you. No, this is just a myth. You need to have a proper strategy in place before signing up for any of those social media platforms. You have to work creating content and writing blogs that interest your audiences. Devote time by responding to their queries and implementing the feedback options. 
  4. The hashtag is the new trend: You must have noticed people using so many hashtags in a single post which looks more amateurish. So, try to abstain from doing so and stick to a single hashtag so that people can associate your brand with it. Different platforms allow you to use a certain amount of hashtags but that doesn’t mean you exceed the limit for making things work out in the best possible way. According to a survey on Twitter, using more than two hashtags decreases engagement by 17%.
  5. More followers mean more revenue: We have to delete this myth from our mindsets that having the most number of followers would make us more successful in terms of revenue generation. Well, it’s not the case with all the brands. Your success can be determined by the number of people who engage with you daily and recommend your brand to other people as well.

So, if you are considering social media marketing techniques in 2021, then you must throw away all the myths and focus on your strategies for improving your overall brand image. 

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