10 Amazing Things You Never Knew About your Snow Removal Business

Snow Removal Business

The snow removal business, as we all know, is a seasonal business. However, there is a year-round opportunity for success here. Since you never know when Mother Nature will grace us with the first and last snow of the season, it’s essential to be ready for everything. So, whether you are starting a new snow removal business with landscaping Westchester in the off-season or building up fresh leads, a few marketing tips will help you grow through it!

Snow removal is a vital service for experiencing winter snow. People often take it for granted, but men and women across the country are kept safe from snow because of this. Without the crew, the cities will never be able to function properly in the winter. So, here we are presenting 10 surprising facts about the snow removal business:

1. The foremost and earliest proof of a manufactured 6,000-year-old snow removal tool, a snow shovel, is found in Russia.

#2 The official first-ever date for a snowplow date was 1840. And, in 1862 the first snowplow was deployed in Wisconsin. The snowplow was attached to a cart which was pulled by horses.

#3 After this in the 19th century, the arrival of cars increased the need for snowplows. It made sure that the road infrastructure was safe and functional.

#4 Snow removal was revolutionized in 1913. This was the time when the first motorized snowplow was invented.

#5 The mountain named Mt. Rainier, Washington has the highest record for snowfall in a year. Nature dropped around 1224 inches of snow there between 19 February 1971 to 18 February 1972.

#6 Do you know that a single snowstorm can drop around 40 million tonnes of snow.

#7 In most cities in Canada, not shoveling the sidewalks is illegal! If someone fails to do so, he is fined a $100 to $200 penalty.

#8 There are around 105 snow-producing storms in a year that affect the US. The stores usually last 2-5 days, and they can lead to hazardous travel.

#9 The snowiest city in the US is- Syracuse, New York. The city receives an average of 124 inches of snow every season. And talking about the world, the snowiest city worldwide is  Aomori, Japan. This place receives an average of 312 inches of snow per year.

#10 There are helping crews track work activities and make data-driven decisions. As a result, it will keep communities safe and thriving.

Be Crystal Clear About Your Snow Removal Business

Now that you have read some amazing and surprising facts about snow removal, it’s time to discuss some important facts. Someone who needs snow removal will not have enough time to wait around as he is stressed and looking for reliable service. Hence, the clearer your message is, the easier you will get leads. Make sure to include a catchy headline that expresses your snow removal services, add easy-to-read information, and attach a value proposition.

Uniqueness makes you stand out!

Most snow removal businesses use the same old marketing tactics that don’t produce many results. With so much competition, smart professionalism will get you started and help you easily achieve success. Contractors focusing on residential properties and small neighborhoods first build brand awareness before others. Having a high volume and a narrow route can help your business become profitable while also serving commercial properties. It can be anything,  using software to streamline your snow removal business or using social media platforms, to earn your credibility. Being different and unique will help you stand out from your competitors and earn great outcomes within a short span of time. Snowplowing Westchester is an amazing and different opportunity. Grab it now!

Photo by Tom Fisk

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