6 Drinks to Avoid on Camping

Who wouldn’t want to just be out there and enjoy nature to the fullest? Camping is one of the best escapes that you can get from the world. Not to forget, aside from the place being breathtaking or adventurous, the best part of a camping trip is of course, food & drinks!
However, the joy of eating and drinking in the woods comes with its own drawbacks. Packing a handful amount of beverages is most essential for a camping trip but you must also consider the weight it will add to your backpack. You would want to load in lots of beverages according to your taste and liking but one must also consider the season too before packing them all.
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Drinks to Avoid on Camping
Some of these drinks if not stored properly can be hazardous to your health. So here is a list of 6 drinks that you should avoid in order to refrain you from getting sick
1. Impure Drinking Water
First of all, it’s very important to carry lots of water but if in case it gets finished, you should be very precautious. Even a clean stream of water may contain pathogens enough to get you sick within hours. So always boil water for a good minute or so before consuming.
2.Dairy Drinks
Drinks like milk or milkshakes always comes to your mind when camping with kids. But they have their own self life. If not stored properly they ferment pretty soon causing your gut to give up on it immediately.
3.High Sugar Electrolytes
Electrolytes are an important component to keep you hydrated during your camping trip but avoid the ones with high amount of sugar, or even worse, high fructose corn syrup. Drinks like Kool-Aid and even Gatorade too contains high sugar. They enact opposite and dehydrate you more than hydrating.
[ Read: 7 Things You Should Never Eat on a Camping Trip ]
4. Soda
Aerated drinks like Soda may quench your thirst for the being but results in excessively dehydrating your body. They may even bloat your stomach or give you an unwanted ache.
5. Excessive Alcohol
Some people love to chill out with a glass of whiskey or beer in the woods but if taken in high quantity can influence your senses and may even devour you from your track. So it’s always advisable not to camp under the influence of alcohol.
[ Read: 6 Games to Play around Campfire with Family ]
6. Flat or Expired Drinks
Always check for an expiry date before purchasing any drink, even bottled water. But if you forget to do so, don’t consume it while on a camp. This goes the same with aerated drinks that have gone flat.
While preparing for a camp it’s always advisable to pack the ice for your beverages in boxes separately from the ice used for cooling food and drinks. The loose ice gets exposed to a lot of pathogens when people take out anything from the coolers. So, enjoy with a little precaution and safety measures as fun is sure to follow.