The Truth About Whey Protein and the 5 Health Benefits You Deserve

Whey protein is renowned to be a “blessing in disguise” sort of a product. It’s something that millions of people across the globe depend on to ensure their body structures are receiving enough protein. Anyway, what is whey protein by the way?
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What is Whey Protein?
Whey is a high-quality protein type and every whey protein supplier derives it from cow’s milk. Milk, as you might already know, has two distinct proteins. The first one is ‘casein’, and this accounts for approx.
Cow’s milk has:
- 80% of the normal protein,
- 20% whey protein
One of the unique differences between the two is that whey is significantly more soluble compared to casein. It is also superior when we talk about quality. As it is among the most nutrient-rich proteins offered, it’s often taken as the gold standard concerning quality.
You can also find that whey is among the five quintessential supplements consumed by bodybuilders around the globe.
What is Whey: Concentrate and Isolate?
Essentially, there are two forms of whey you’ll find in the market. The first form is whey protein concentrate. While the second type is whey protein isolate.
Generally speaking, whey found in concentrate ranges anywhere from around 30% to 90%. It all depends on the companies or brands you buy from. On the other hand, whey protein isolate is extremely concentrated and is the purest kind of whey you can have.
Isolate comprises a minimum of 90% protein, while the amount of fat is negligible.
What Are the Noticeable Benefits of Whey Protein?
1. Complete Protein
One of the striking and desirable benefits of whey is that it’s a complete protein. You can also say that it contains every essential amino acid your body needs. Further, different amino acids are there in the right amount for the human body. So, as a result, they can take you a long way in improving your overall physical appearance.
2. Existence of Branched Amino Acid
“Branched-chain amino acids” exist in whey making it an enticing choice for those who want to amass muscle mass. These branched-chain amino acids are directly metabolized into muscle tissue by the human body.
3. Digestion Friendly
Another whey protein benefit is that your digestive system takes it easily, and it’s also absorbed easily by your body.
4. Downs Cholesterol
Numerous clinical studies involving animals indicate that whey gets the ability to lower cholesterol levels. This is of course a piece of promising news for those who remain concerned about heart disease.
Why cholesterol levels do not take any impact on whey? As of now, no one is absolutely sure. However, we suspect it might have something to do with bio-active elements found in whey protein.
Also, many bio-active components are present in breast milk. Therefore, it can be the reason why whey is utilized in many infant formulas.
No Side-effects
The lack of any side effects is yet another advantage of whey. Unless you are a ‘milk allergic’ person, or allergic to proteins-led dairy products, this type of protein can be consumed without any concern.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1. How does protein help the body?
The importance of protein can not be overstated. Protein is the building block of all tissues in the body, and it is essential for growth and maintenance. Protein is also important for energy production, digestion, immune function, and more. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, protein is the most important nutrient.
2. How much protein do I need a day?
A lot of people are under the impression that they need a lot less protein than they actually do. In fact, the RDA (recommended daily allowance) for protein is just 55 grams. This means that the average person should be getting about 1.2 grams of protein per pound, or about 55 grams of protein per day