This Privacy Policy is just for this website and served by LifeStylesGo. (‘The Data
Controller and Owner’) and oversees the protection of its Users who utilize it.
The policy sets out the diverse areas where User protection is related and finds the commitments and
prerequisites of the Users, the website and its proprietors. Besides, the way this site processes, stores and
ensures User information and data will likewise be nitty gritty inside this policy.


Information Controller – LifeStylesGo and the Owner of this site.
The Application – The equipment or programming device used to originate from and gather the Personal Data
Individual Data or information – Information gathered inside the Application which can serve to distinguish the
normal individual.

Information Subject – The legitimate or normal individual to whom the Personal Data refers.

The Website::

This website and its owners adopt a proactive policy to User security and guarantee the important advances
are taken to ensure the protection of its Users all through meeting their requirements.

Use of Cookies

This website uses treats to better the User’s experience while visiting the website. Where relevant to this site
utilizes a cokie control system permitting the User on their first visit to the site to permit or prohibit the utilization
of cookies on their PC/gadget. This conforms to late enactment necessities for site’s to acquire unequivocal
assent from Users before abandoning or perusing documents, for example, cookies on a User’s

Cookies are little documents saved to the User’s computer’s hard drive that track, and store data about the
User’s interactions and use of the site. This permits the site, through its server to furnish the Users with a
tailored experience inside this site.

Clients are prompted that on the off chance that they wish to deny the utilization and storing of cookies from
this site on to their PCs hard drive they should make important strides inside their web programs security
settings to obstruct all cookies from this site and it’s outside serving merchants.

This site uses the following programming to screen its guests to better see how they utilize it. This product is
given by Google Analytics which utilizes treats to track guest use. The product will store a cookie to your PC’s
hard drive keeping in mind the end goal to track and screen your engagement and use of the site, yet won’t
store, spare or gather individual data. You can read Google’s protection policy here for additional data

Personal Data

This service isn’t coordinated to youngsters younger than 13. Minors should just utilise this site with the
authorisation or help of a grown-up – parents or guardians.

Individual Data is gathered to enable the proprietor to provide its services. It is utilized for the reasons for
information examination, making remarks on the substance contained inside this Application, collaboration with
social and outside systems, enlistment, memberships, and nourish administration.

The following is to access the applications that might be gotten to work the service or potentially show content,
including the utilisation of social widgets and buttons. Approval, validation and enlistment administrations
associated with any/each of these applications may likewise be used:
Displaying content from external sites – ..
Interaction with other social networks
The various Privacy Policies for these sites can be located at the end of this policy.
The types of Personal Data that may be collected by this Application or through third parties:
First Name
Last name
Usage data
Email address
IP address
Other Personal Data may be collected in other sections of this privacy policy. Failure to provide certain items of
Personal Data may cause problems with this website and prohibit it from offering its services.
Users are responsible for any Personal Data of other parties, used within this site, and duly agree that they
have said other third parties consent to provide this data within the Application.
The Data Controller confirms that it will process all personal User data in a fit and proper manner and that
appropriate security measures have been taken to prevent the loss, manipulation, disclosure or unauthorised
access of this data. The User confirms that they are aware that the Data Controller may, on occasion, be
required to reveal personal data when requested to by public or legal authorities.

The User can always request that their Personal Data be removed from the Application by sending an email to
Detailed information on the processing of Personal Data can be obtained by sending an email to

Email Newsletter

This website operates an email newsletter program, used to inform subscribers about products and services
supplied by this website. Users can subscribe through an online automated process should they wish to do so
but do so at their own discretion. Some subscriptions may be manually processed through prior written
agreement with the User.

External Links

Although this website only looks to include quality, safe and relevant external links, Users are advised adopt a
policy of caution before clicking any external web links mentioned throughout this website. (External links are
clickable text / banner / image links to other websites.) The owners of this website cannot guarantee or verify
the contents of any externally linked website despite their best efforts. Users should, therefore, note they click
on external links at their own risk and this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or
implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.

Adverts and Sponsored Links

This website may contain sponsored links and adverts. These will typically be served through our advertising
partners, who may have detailed privacy policies relating directly to the adverts they serve.
Clicking on any such adverts will send you to the advertiser’s website through a referral program which may
use cookies and will track the number of referrals sent from this website. This may include the use of cookies
which may in turn be saved on your computer’s hard drive. Users should, therefore, note they click on
sponsored external links at their own risk and this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any
damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.

Social Media Platforms

Communication, engagement, and actions taken through external social media platforms that this website and
its owners participate on are custom to the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policies held with each
social media platform respectively.

Users are advised to use social media platforms wisely and communicate / engage upon them with due care
and caution in regard to their own privacy and personal details. This website nor its owners will never ask for
personal or sensitive information through social media platforms and encourage Users wishing to discuss
sensitive details to contact them through primary communication channels such as by telephone or email.
This website may use social sharing buttons which help share web content directly from web pages to the
social media platform in question. Users are advised before using such social sharing buttons that they do so at
their own discretion and note that the social media platform may track and save your request to share a web
page respectively through your social media platform account.